An OPG also called an Orthopantomogram, is a panoramic scanning dental X-ray. It provides a broad view of the mouth, teeth, and bones of the upper and the lower jaws. With an OPG X-Ray, your doctor can see all the teeth numbers, positions, and growth. The dentist can also see the teeth which have not yet erupted through the gum. Meenakshi Group of Diagnostic Centre’s offers Radiological a Services to all. An OPG in Meenakshi Group of Diagnostic Centre’s also shows issues with the jawbones and the joint that connects the mandible to the head called TMJ. TMJ refers to Temporomandibular joint.
An OPG X-Ray shows a flattened two-dimensional view of a half-circle, i.e., from ear to ear. This takes images from multiple angles to make up the compounded wide image, where the maxilla (upper jaw) and mandible (lower jaw) are in the viewed area. The structures present outside the viewed area are blurred in the image. The OPG X-Rays are different from the small close-up X-Rays. Small close-up X-Rays are used to view individual teeth, whereas an OPG covers a much broader area. OPG can go to hard-to-see spaces like wisdom teeth, and the development of a child’s jaw and teeth. It also checks the jaw joint, the Temperomandibular joint (TMJ).